Bard Build

Bard Chaos : Bard Build Guide

By: Briceis | Updated: May 6th, 2023

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Mage Bard
Bard Build
Pve Chaos Dungeon


Required Skill Points: 386
Normal Sound Shock Level 11
Level 11
5 Maintained Explosion
Sacred Shock
Rapid Fire
Gems & Rune
Normal Dissonance Level 12
Level 12
5 Melody Increase
5 Law of the Jungle
5 Harmony Enhancement
Gems & Rune
Normal Sonic Vibration Level 12
Level 12
5 Protective Vibration
5 Frozen Core
Wide angle Attack
Gems & Rune
Normal Soundholic Level 12
Level 12
5 Sound Concentration
5 Sustain Enhancement
5 Focus Fire
Gems & Rune
Normal Prelude of Storm Level 12
Level 12
5 Law of the Jungle
5 Lightning Enhancement
5 Powerful Prelude
Gems & Rune
Normal Heavenly Tune Level 12
Level 12
5 Quick Preparation
5 Tune for Me
Gems & Rune
Normal Prelude of Death Level 12
Level 12
5 Quick Preparation
Endless Tune
5 Aria of Death
Gems & Rune




Engraving Points: 75
15 Points Level 3 True Courage
15 Points Level 3 Preemptive Strike
15 Points Level 3 Cursed Doll
15 Points Level 3 Contender
15 Points Level 3 Raid Captain

Build Details & Information

So you might look at the engravings and say what the hell is this build? And that's fair, but it's purely from a CHAOS perspective.
Keeping that in mind you should absolutely favorite some chaos specific engravings, at least a stone and equipped engravings and I'm not saying go BUY these pieces, but do hold on to them when you see them, you spend how much time in a chaos? Saving a few seconds per chaos matters, it adds up.
With that in mind my personal opinion is...
Betrayal set - Use your set conversion, make a mass preset, it takes minutes and saves you so much.
Charming set - Red Portals.

Also yes, that's 7 skills, Bard chaos is that good that the 8th does not matter.
Bards have a great class engraving in True Courage, utilize it and you can swap your awakening to Symphonia to get a 1 bar head start on it, or keep Oratorio I recommended for easier Stage 2 boss and just wait till you naturally fill a bubble.
Crit is also useless once you get more chaos specific pieces, so swift and spec accessories are going to be ideal, don't stress which but in a perfect world you'd cap Raid Captain effectiveness then stack spec.
Preemptive Strike - Uncontested best thing ever in Chaos
True Courage - Solid class engraving and very cheap
Contender - 17.5% attack power that's always up in a chaos
Cursed Doll - More attack power, yes diminishing returns but the goal is to just one shot things
Raid Captain - Ideal for almost any class from a pure chaos perspective because Crit doesn't matter, so even if you can't cap movement speed you can get at least 500 swiftness and get SOME value out of this and that's assuming you don't go full swiftness for a chaos specific build, which you probably should.
Lightning Fury - This one is an underrated last engraving, if you don't need class engraving it's amazing or in Bard case if you're going higher than a 5x3.


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