Reaper Build

Raid/PvE Hunger Reaper : Reaper Build Guide

By: brother chris | Updated: February 26th, 2023

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Assassin Reaper
Reaper Build
Pve Raid


Required Skill Points: 376
Normal Dance of Fury Level 12
Level 12
5 Piercing Strike
5 Chaos Enhancement
5 Suppressed Move
Gems & Rune
Normal Distortion Level 7
Level 7
5 Quick Prep
Gems & Rune
Normal Glowing Brand Level 12
Level 12
5 Vital Point Hit
5 Chaos Enhancement
5 Testament
Gems & Rune
Normal Nightmare Level 10
Level 10
Poison: Corrosion
5 Quick Prep
Back Attack
Gems & Rune
Normal Rage Spear Level 12
Level 12
5 Quick Prep
5 Ambush
5 Concentrated Attack
Gems & Rune
Normal Shadow Storm Level 10
Level 10
5 Piercing Strike
5 Period
5 Shadow Zone
Gems & Rune
Normal Shadow Vortex Level 10
Level 10
Poison: Corrosion
5 Quick Prep
5 Swoop Activation
Quick Recharge
Gems & Rune
Normal Silent Rage Level 12
Level 12
5 Quick Prep
Sharp Fall
5 Ground Smash
Gems & Rune


Lunar Eclipse: Cadenza


Engraving Points: 60
15 Points Level 3 Grudge
15 Points Level 3 Ambush Master
15 Points Level 3 Raid Captain
15 Points Level 3 Adrenaline

Card Sets

Azena and Inanna
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation
Light of Salvation Collect 6 Cards (Awakening 18): Holy Damage +7.00%

Build Details & Information

Hello! I am Brother Chris and I have been playing Lost Ark since its western release in February 2022. This is meant to be an introductory guide to quickly get you up to speed for a raid/pve Hunger Reaper so you can get to zipping around a boss screaming yama at the top of your lungs.

Class Introduction

Reaper is one of the closest classes in Lost Ark to a traditional rogue or assassin class. You have tons of mobility tools to reposition yourself, an invisibility, many different back attack skills. A very fast paced back attacking class is how I would sum up the Hunger Reaper experience.

  • Very mobile
  • Incredible counter
  • Consistent damage
  • Very squishy
  • Can be hard to play
  • Consistent damage


Hunger Reaper is a very reaction based class in which you basically use whatever skills best fit your current situation. It is an incredibly fast paced class that is very spammy. The basics of the class are Nightmare is your counter skill, reactivating the skill will reposition you directly behind the boss from wherever you reactivate it from. Shadow Vortex is your main skill to apply your damage debuff Poison: Corrosion and to also continually lower the cooldowns Swoop Activation on your main damage dealing red skills which are rage brand, Silent Rage, Glowing Brand, and Dance of Fury. These red skills are where the majority of your damage will be coming from and you typically will be able to weave two of them inbetween the cd of Shadow Vortex. Hunger can essentially ignore your gauge mechanic as once you hit "chaos mode" as long as you land a green skill or just use a purple skill within 8seconds the buff will not fall off and you will perpetually remain in chaos mode. Your awakening Lunar Eclipse: Cadenza can be used to instantly fill your gauge at the beginning of a fight.

Like I mentioned earlier, a rotation or priority system isn't really something a Hunger Reaper has, you just use whatever skills best suit your current situation or what skills are currently off cooldown. Glowing Brand is a very good repositional tool as it teleports you to your cursor, you can use it to reposition towards the bosses back. Silent Rage is essentially a dash forward which can have good uses. Rage Spear is basically just a long range poke attack and Dance of Fury is a pretty wide aoe attack.

Try to keep your debuff from Poison: Corrosion up, which you should have no issues doing as you're going to be using Shadow Vortex whenever it is off cd anyways to lower the cd of your damage dealing red skills. You basically just press whatever lights up, very chill and enjoyably fast paced gameplay.


The engraving build I have listed here is what is generally considered the meta build for Hunger. You could drop Adrenaline for Cursed Doll if you so desire but I don't think it's worth doing personally.

Engraving priority would be something like Hunger > Ambush Master > Grudge > Adrenaline > Raid Captain

We can very easily run Raid Captain thanks to the massive amount of swiftness we run by default so it's a great engraving here.


Hunger Reaper has two main "builds" when it comes to stats. You can opt to go a 100% swiftness build or a more evenly split 50/50 spec/swift build. I prefer the spec/swift build as spec will scale the damage on your red skills.

Specialization: 1100

Is what I have on my Reaper, this is with relic accessories and a bracelet and all potions unlocked from horizontal content.

Relic Set

For Hunger the set we are going with is the lovely Earth's Entropy which increases our back attack damage heavily and also boosts our crit rate a bit.


Not really much flexibility with skills here, you can play around with dropping Distortion but I generally wouldn't suggest it.


Runes on our Reaper are pretty set in stone, you generally want to leave the galewinds where they are and the quick recharge you definitely don't want to take off Shadow Vortex - otherwise you can play with the others as your flex slots.

Card Sets

Hunger doesn't really need the crit from Lostwind Cliff so Light of Salvation is our go to, always at 18 awakening or higher.


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