Paladin Build

Raid/PvE Support Paladin : Paladin Build Guide

By: brother chris | Updated: February 24th, 2023

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Warrior Paladin
Paladin Build
Pve Raid


Required Skill Points: 328
Normal Light Shock Level 7
Level 7
Swift Fingers
Light's Vestige
Quick Recharge
Gems & Rune
Normal Light of Judgment Level 10
Level 10
Swift Fingers
5 Faith
Righteous Light
Gems & Rune
Normal Godsent Law Level 10
Level 10
5 Shield
Wide Angle Attack
Gems & Rune
Normal Wrath of God Level 10
Level 10
Wide Thunderstroke
5 Faith
Express Fury
Gems & Rune
Normal Executor's Sword Level 10
Level 10
Excellent Mobility
Weak Point Enhancement
Executioner's Strike
Gems & Rune
Normal Holy Protection Level 10
Level 10
5 Quick Pace
Vow of Light
Gems & Rune
Normal Holy Sword Level 10
Level 10
Outburst of Light
Release Light
Gems & Rune
Normal Heavenly Blessings Level 10
Level 10
5 Faith
5 Absolute Blessing
Gems & Rune


Alithanes's Judgment


Engraving Points: 75
15 Points Level 3 Blessed Aura
15 Points Level 3 Vital Point Hit
15 Points Level 3 Magick Stream
15 Points Level 3 Awakening
15 Points Level 3 Expert

Card Sets

Field Boss II
Field Boss II
Field Boss II
Field Boss II
Field Boss II
Sol Grande
Field Boss II
Field Boss II Collect 6 Cards: Max HP +4.00%

Build Details & Information

Hello! I am Brother Chris and I have been playing Lost Ark since its western release in February 2022. This is meant to be an introductory guide to quickly get you up to speed for a raid/pve support Paladin so you can quickly get to smiting your foes (and your teammates).

Class Introduction

Paladin is one of the two support classes currently available in western Lost Ark. Paladin unlike it's counterpart support, has a big holy aura that both increases party damage and slowly heals over time - it does not possess the great on demand burst heal potential of bard so people need to be aware of this.

  • Is a support, groups will always want you
  • Good at healing chip damage
  • Very good spot damage reduction
  • No access to immediate burst healing
  • No damage potential
  • Melee can be a downside in some cases


There is no real set "rotation" for a support. Paladin has more of a priority system than a hard rotational system, that being said your Godsent Law is your main shield ability. Holy Protection will be your on demand cleanse that you can save for mechanics that you know are coming up, otherwise throw it out liberally as it also possesses the ability to give a small shield and heal upon expiration. Light of Judgment is going to be your biggest meter generator as a Paladin with Wrath of God and Heavenly Blessings being right behind it. Alithanes's Judgment can also be used to instantly fill your meter IF it HITS an enemy, if it doesn't you gain nothing.

A rough priority of skill usage for Paladin would be something like this.

  1. Wrath of God or Heavenly Blessings
  2. Light Shock
  3. Light of Judgment
  4. Godsent Law
  5. Holy Protection

Now let me explain this priority list a bit so you better understand how to incorporate these into your gameplay. Wrath of God and Heavenly Blessings are paladin's attack buffs to their party - they do NOT stack so it is imperative you manage them properly as you can nearly achieve close to 100% uptime if done correctly. Cycle between the two and try to overlap as little as possible. Light Shock is your brand debuff that you can also nearly keep up 100% of the time, so if Wrath of God or Heavenly Blessings buff is up then your next priority is to make sure Light Shock brand debuff is present on the boss. Your other tools can be used as needed, trying to cast Light of Judgment as much as possible for the meter and shielding with Godsent Law and Holy Protection. Your blue skills are primarily used for big stagger or countering as both Executor's Sword and Holy Sword are counters and are very high stagger.


The engraving build I have listed here is what is generally considered the meta build for Paladin, though you can swap Magick Stream for Drops of Ether.

Engraving priority would be something like Blessed Aura > Awakening > Expert > Vital Point Hit > Magick Stream


Stats for Paladin are as simple as they come. The meta build is to go full swiftness on everything and spec secondary stat on your necklace.

Swiftness: 1600
Spec: 550

Is what I have on my Paladin, this is with relic accessories and a bracelet and all potions unlocked from horizontal content.

Relic Set

For supports in general you have one relic set choice and that is going to be the Swamp of Yearning set. It increases your meter gen, increases move speed and damage for you and party members. All around a solid set for supports.


Paladin has a good amount of swap ins you can do depending on your playstyle. A common one is dropping Executor's Sword for Charge for added mobility as it can be nice to have in some circumstances.
Another option that I see often enough is running 3 blue skills and dropping Light Shock and converting Godsent Law into your brand skill with Brilliant Law tripod instead of Wide Angle Attack


Rune options are pretty standard for Paladin, wealth on your highest meter generators and overwhelms on your big stagger moves.

Card Sets

Supports only really have two options for card sets. Field Boss II is the most common card set as it increases your max HP which in turn increases how much your shields, well, shield.

The ultimate cardset for supports will be Lostwind Cliff 30 awakening which is very very very far away for the majority of people and will take a very long time to achieve. Don't sweat it, Field Boss II is fine.


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